How to look after your skin this summer
With the recent bursts of hot weather we must remember to look after our skin! While we’ve been waiting for the sun to shine for what feels like forever, now that summer appears to be here we cannot forget to take the time to ensure our skin is looked after. The sun can play havoc with our skin, making our skin look tired and dry – which we definitely don’t want. Here at the Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, we spend our time reducing the signs of ageing through skin rejuvenation treatments.
So why would you let the sun damage your skin and make you look older?
But what can you do?
Moisturise moisturise moisturise! It’s crucial to moisturise for all temperatures. With the recent sunshine we’ve all been reaching for the fans and air conditioning, which can suck the moisture right out the air. Go for a light moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated, as anything heavy will feel too sticky in the hot weather.
Whack on the suncream!
Especially important in the summer, be sure to pick a suncream that’ll protect you from both UVA (the ageing ones) and UVB (burning ones) rays. Even when it’s a little cloudy, UVA rays can damage your skin, making your skin age far quicker than it needs to.
Have you already felt the effects of the sunshine?
A skin rejuvenation treatment from us can help reduce those signs of UV damage! Check out our HIFU treatment page for more information.
Keep cleansing!
SPFs have heavier molecules, so to ensure your skin doesn’t get clogged up, use a cleanser to break it down. Be careful what you go for, as you don’t want to strip the skin! A pro-collagen cleansing balm with antioxidants will help ageing toxins from sun damage.
Make water your best friend!
Drinking water is incredibly important for your skin, both during summer and winter. Keep your body and skin hydrated as much as possible, clearing your complexion and steering clear of that ageing dry look!
Has your skin grown tired during the winter or summer months? Are you feeling the effects of the sun? Get in touch today and we can help you achieve a natural glow through one of our skin rejuvenation treatments.